Cili's Notes

- Occasionally publishing some of my stuff from Standard Notes here - Mostly IT related - Theme Base by Marco Ceppi on GitHub

Notes on WebGPU Fundamentals

This is a summary of so all credits to them. Some of the code is shortened or changed.I am by far not done reading it yet, so this post will be continuously updated.WebGPU is meant to be the successor of WebGL which is based on OpenGL, first developed in 1992, and to more efficiently interact with modern GPU hardware.The API is already available on Chrome and Edge but still marked as experimental.Basically all it does is run 3 types of functions on the GPU:Vertex Shader   ...
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The PEAN Stack with GraphQL

It's not something new, but it is definitely not as popular as variants like MEAN and LAMP.The PEAN stack, consisting of PostgreSQL, Express, NodeJS, and Angular can be great if NoSQL isn't sufficient.This was the case in my finals project and I was required to use a relational database, as well as an MVC framework for the frontend. To speed up the configuration on this part I used a BaaS solution called Supabase. It includes a Postgres database with nearly full access to it and a neat UI. It al...
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NodeJs Deploy Script for Small Projects with Yarn Workspaces

In preparation for my finals project, to have the implementation go more smoothly, I created an old-school Node.js script for uploading the applications to my test/demo server, which is an Ubuntu VPS running Caddy that handles the access to either the API or the Angular app (serving the files). Both are placed into directories inside /var/www/The script can be run with yarn deploy [app | api] which reads the dist directory of the selected workspace from its package.json, then packages the code a...
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Cryptology related terms

Cryptography - The study of conversion of plain text to ciphertext i.e. encryption,also called the study of encryption,from the greek words kryptos (hidden/secret) and graph/graf (writing) Cryptology - The study of conversion of plain text to ciphertext and vice versa,also called the study of encryption and decryption Symmetric cryptosystem - uses the same key for encryption and decryption Asymmetric procedures - each of the communicating parties has a private/public key pair.The private ...
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Simple Node.js Production Server with Caddy and PM2 Deployment

Tested with an Ubuntu 22.04 Droplet at DigitalOcean, 1GB/1CPU,and a simple Express app to be deployedThis setup is ideal for small projects, as working with a container repo and managing a cluster takes more time and costs. It also only requires one VPS with little memory to run everything, though can be scaled up or horizontally as both PM2 and Caddy provide load balacing features.Caddy is an open source web server with automatic HTTPS written in Go.Of course it doesn't beat nginx performance-w...
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Information Theory

Information theory is the scientific study of the quantification, compression and communication of information. A key measure in information theory is entropy. It quantifies the amount of uncertainty involved in the value of a random variable or the outcome of a random process. Some other important measures are mutual information, channel capacity, error exponents and relative entropy. Number of digits (Stellenzahl) -  How many digits a code wor...
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