Cryptology related terms

- The study of conversion of plain text to ciphertext i.e. encryption,
also called the study of encryption,
from the greek words kryptos (hidden/secret) and graph/graf (writing)

Cryptology - The study of conversion of plain text to ciphertext and vice versa,
also called the study of encryption and decryption

Symmetric cryptosystem - uses the same key for encryption and decryption

Asymmetric procedures - each of the communicating parties has a private/public key pair.
The private key enables data to be decrypted, digital signatures to be generated or to be authenticated,
the public key allows anyone to encrypt data, verify their digital signature, or authenticate them

Asymmetric communication in short:
When sending data to someone else, ones encrypts the data with the other party's public key.
Only the receiving party can decrypt the received data with their private key.

Digital signature  -  is a cryptographic method in which a number (signature) is calculated for a "message" (any data), whose authorship and affiliation with the message can be checked by anyone.
Digital signatures are based on asymmetric cryptosystems and consequently use a key pair consisting of a private and a public key.

Signing a message - the sender uses a private key to create the message's signature, the receiver uses the public key to verify the signature

Salt - A random value added to data before generating a hash, usually stored alongside the hash value

Pepper - Same use as salt but is stored seperatly on a different medium,
is also called 'secret salt'

Authenticity - A message is considered authentic if it can be reliably assigned to a sender

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